One day, I discovered that blended coffee exhibits distinct flavors in different cafes, almost like each blend has its own unique personality. Initially, I attributed this diversity solely to the skills of roasters/blenders. However, in conversations with them, I realized that their perspectives, humanity, sense of beauty, and philosophies rooted in personal history shape the taste of their coffee.

The roasters/blenders I've encountered exhibit a deep passion and love for their craft, particularly when it comes to specialty coffee. While I acknowledge the current trendiness of specialty coffee, my affection for blended coffee is equally strong because I find a distinct personality within it. This, I believe, stems from the additional artistic process of blending.

To draw a parallel, I consider the difference between unaccompanied cello suites and string quartets a fitting example to explain the distinction between specialty coffee and blended coffee. In this analogy, the roaster/blender assumes the role of a composer.

We invite you to join us in exploring Japan, savoring unique coffee experiences, and engaging in dialogue with talented Japanese roasters/blenders along the way.





Our Mission

Our mission is to share the rich and nuanced flavors of Japan through our meticulously blended coffee beans, fostering a global appreciation for the artistry of Japanese coffee craftsmanship. We aim to consistently deliver exceptional quality, cultural authenticity, and a delightful coffee experience to enthusiasts worldwide.
